When you are selling your home, there are usually a lot of hoops to jump through to get the sale to close, especially if your buyer using a loan to buy the house. Even then there are no guarantees. There are a lot of factors involved in understanding what is best for your current situation. Getting a cash offer for your house may prove to be a better solution for your situation.
Cash offers have many positives and very few negatives, no matter what your circumstances. Here are 5 reasons you should consider a cash offer for your house in Idaho.
Greater Confidence
Having confidence in the offer you have accepted is a major reason you should consider a cash offer for your house in Idaho. Because it’s cash there is no lender involved to add weeks or even months of lender requirements. You may not have to wait for a professional home inspection. Another plus is there’s no concern about appraising for the loan to value ratio (LTV), which lenders use to determine the amount they’ll loan on any given property. Just be aware, a valid cash buyer should be able to provide evidence of their ability to fulfill their offer.
Selling As-Is
Cash deals, especially with a professional direct buyer like Brady Buys Houses, usually involve purchasing the property as-is, or just exactly as it sits. While you may realize a little less for your home when you accept a cash offer, unless your home is brand new, avoiding the costs and headaches of renovations, updates and repairs is one of the reasons you should consider a cash offer for your house in Idaho. Not to mention that if your traditional buyer finds something wrong with the house and backs out, you will be required to disclose that fact to all future prospects or risk a lawsuit over your transaction. With a cash buyer, you can usually just remove what you want to keep and leave the rest behind, without a final cleaning. If a cash buyer balks at accepting the house as-is, demanding appraisals and inspections as contingencies, they’ve basically eliminated the attractive qualities of cash offers.
No Agents Or Showings
While real estate agents and listing on the MLS are a great solution for people who have plenty of time to sell and a home in great condition, they aren’t the best solution for everyone and every situation. First, the services of a real estate agent are expensive and the buyers that they tend to attract add on a lot more expenses by getting banks involved. A realtor will have standards of cooperation from you which can be time consuming and expensive. Among these standards is to make the house ready and available for showings which are often ill-timed since most of us are available before and after work and on weekends. What if you have a tenant who is a hoarder? Not to mention that each and every showing presents another potential for Covid exposure. There is also tons of paperwork when you list with an agent. Last but not least among the possible troubles intrinsic to listing and selling a home in the traditional method is that despite all efforts to complete the deal, the buyer could be denied financing. You should carefully consider the benefits of accepting a cash offer for your house in Idaho and avoiding all of these frustrations.
Your finances are a very important reason that you should consider a cash offer. This is especially true if don’t want to pour even more money into your house. Traditionally, listing your home with a real estate agent means updating and improving the interior. Not only this, but you’ll also have to be concerned with curb appeal and you may need to make repairs to your home in order to pass inspection. Then their high commissions and the additional fees of a traditional transaction digs into your profit even more. Along with these hassles come appraisals, inspections, advertising, and staging your home. If you can’t stay in the home, not only will you bear the costs of maintaining the home while it’s listed, you will have the additional expenses of a second residence.
Time can be a motivating factor, and speed is yet another reason you should consider a cash offer for your house in Idaho. You have come to the decision to sell, whether you need to move due to a sudden life change, relocation due to employment or just ready to move up or down in living space. Cash offers generally close very quickly and offer an advantage of circumventing the unknown waiting period with traditional listings. When listing your home on the real estate market, after a waiting period of an unknown length, you’ll face the stress and tensions involved in the back and forth, extremely time-sensitive nature of offers and counteroffers in the negotiations over the purchase price.
If you are ready to save time, avoid repairs, skip the cleaning, forget about showings, paying high commissions and fees, Brady Buys Houses is here to help. These are just a few of the reasons you should consider accepting a cash offer for your house in Idaho from Brady Buys Houses. To learn more about how we can help you with your property, send us a message or give us a call at (208) 856-6826 today!